This kit can be used to measure temperature (digital with DHT11 and analog with LM35), humidity (digital with DHT11), amount of light (with an LDR), a large variety of gases depending on the chosen sensor (gas sensor) and rain (pluviometer). It comes equipped with a Espduino32 (Wemos D1 R32 compatible), which means that it incorporates integrated Wi-Fi and bluetooth and carry out Internet of Things projects and create smart devices.
In addition, due to the LCD screen and the multisensor shield, a simple user interface can be defined that displays the weather information on the screen, along with two push buttons, two LEDs (red and blue), an RGB LED, an infrared receiver, a Sound buzzer and potentiometer.
- Attach the multi-sensor card to the Wemos D1 R32.
- Plug the LCD screen into the I2C port.
- Connect the gas sensor and the rain sensor to any of the available D7, D8 and A3 pins.